Archive | Freedom

2 Davids&Goliath – David Matas & David Kilgour (Italian)

OTHER LANGUAGES [Chinese][English][French][German][Spanish][Vietnamese] Udpate 22 june 2016 (video and report on NB: On March 4, 2015, the Italian Senate unanimously passed a bill that punishes any person who illegally sell organs from living people with severe sanctions and stiff prison terms.

2 Davids&Goliath – David Matas & David Kilgour (English)

OTHER LANGUAGES [Chinese][French][German][Italian][Spanish][Vietnamese] For now, as of 13-07-2016, 377 meps responded courageously – big thanks to them!, THE WRITTEN DECLARATION IS NOW ADOPTED CONGRATULATION TO ALL WHO MAKE THIS POSSIBLE! UPDATE 30 june : Up to 1.5 Million Killed by Chinese Regime for Their Organs, Report Reveals After Canada, Italia, Spain, Australia to set law […]

Combat pour l’Humanité – 2 Davids&Goliath – David Matas & David Kilgour

OTHER LANGUAGES [Chinese][English][German][Italian][Spanish][Vietnamese] au 13-07-2016, soit un mois pile après la résolution H343 américaine, 377 mpe ont répondu favorablement          au 27-07-2016, LA DECLARATION EST DESORMAIS ADOPTEE avec le support de 413 membres parlementaires européens MERCI A EUX! Depuis le 27 avril 2016, les parlementaires Européens ont à voter contre le plus grand crime contre […]